Holistic Life Coaching
Bringing You Back Into Balance
I imagine you’re here because you are unhappy with some aspect of your life.
Perhaps you are facing a life challenge, or you have unfulfilled wishes and dreams.
This may be in your health, career, relationships, or simply your sense of self.
Whatever the issue, I can support you to create positive change both in your inner world and in your outer life.
I can offer you a calm, confidential, accepting space in which to work through any concerns that are affecting your happiness and well-being, so that you can get back to feeling good and in control again.
The process of transformation begins when you recognise and honour every aspect of your being and bring all of these aspects into balance.
When your mind, body, emotions and spirit begin to work in harmony, you naturally reconnect with your inner strength, joy and vitality.
My approach to supporting your transformation therefore combines a number of services that are designed to integrate and harmonise the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of your being.
These services include therapeutic life coaching, Divine Healing and Soul Plans. You can read more about them further down.
When we work together, we’ll start by coming to a clear understanding of the issue(s) at hand and the changes you desire. We’ll then agree an appropriate course of action from the range of services I provide, and a timescale that works for you.
I offer all prospective clients an initial, no-obligation, low-cost, confidential consultation.
This consultation gives you an opportunity to meet me and ask any questions, and for us to discuss how I can help you. It also allows me to find out what you’re looking to work through so I can ensure I am the right person to help you. You can then decide if you wish to proceed. You will not be put under any pressure. This 60-minute initial consultation is charged at £50.
I believe we all deserve to live a happy, healthy, balanced life. Your journey back to peace, balance and well-being starts here.
Book your initial, no-obligation consultation now.
Ring: 07969 807934
Email: info@harinderghatora.co.uk
Soul Plan
Gain clarity, understanding and direction by discovering the spiritual blueprint of your life.
If you’re struggling to make sense of persistent challenges in your life and/or to find a sense of direction and purpose, and you want to know how you can overcome these difficulties and move forward, then a good place to start is to look at your Soul Plan.
This quickly and efficiently pinpoints the true source of problems, as well as shedding light on positive attributes that can assist you in your life journey.
A Soul Plan is an accurate, in-depth system of spiritual interpretation that decodes the blueprint of your life.
Your Soul Plan contains the vibration of all the physical and spiritual experiences your soul set out to have in this particular lifetime, the energy of which is encoded into your birth name.
Your Soul Plan will give you:
a clear picture of the challenging patterns operating in your life, so that you can consciously understand what is going on;
recommendations for what you can do to actively work on these patterns in order to transmute them and bring greater peace and well-being into your life;
a clear idea of the qualities and talents you have been blessed with, so that you can recognise, develop and use them to bring more ease and joy into your experience;
information about your physical and spiritual goals, so that you have a clear sense of direction, and;
information about your life purpose, so that you become aware of what you are truly here to do.
With this information you are better placed to understand and work through your challenges, express your strengths, manifest your dreams and engage with your soul’s deepest truth concerning this present lifetime.
Once you have explored your own Soul Plan, you can go further too. Relationship Readings are available which explore the energetic dynamics between yourself and significant others in your life, as well as Business Readings which help you ensure that the energy of your business aligns with your own energy and business goals to achieve maximum success.
Your Soul Plan (including all preparation work, a 2-hour consultation, a 15/16-page written report, and a recording of the session): £150
Therapeutic Life Coaching
Release your past, heal your present, and transform your future.
The therapeutic coaching service I offer is designed to assist you to create a more balanced, fulfilling and meaningful future by overcoming the internal and external barriers that are causing you unhappiness and preventing you from realising your desires.
Perhaps you are stuck in a rut but fearful of instigating the changes you seek.
Maybe you are feeling weighed down by something in your past.
Perhaps you’re confused about how to reach a personal goal.
Or maybe you feel an aspect of your life is not quite right.
As a therapeutic life coach, I can help you examine and deal with your past and present circumstances, but with an eye firmly on the future.
Within a safe, confidential space, I can assist you to explore any difficulties, worries and anxieties you may have.
And empower you to clarify and achieve your goals by accessing your natural talents so that you can live the life you truly desire; a life that is full of meaning, purpose, joy and vitality.
As a fully qualified therapist, NLP coach and Hypnotherapy NLP coach, I integrate talking therapy and coaching practices with the aim of facilitating change, healing and growth.
My work is about forming a creative partnership with you, one in which we work together to:
pinpoint the problem
address your mental and emotional well-being
identify and clarify what you are seeking to achieve
discover what you truly want out of life
understand where you are in relation to your goals
design an action plan to achieve those goals
identify and eliminate any obstacles or blocks that stand in your way, and
expand your awareness of your thoughts, feelings and actions so that you can begin to align with your desires and realise your dreams.
We do all of this within a holistic model that accesses your mind, body, emotions and spirit to identify both the issues and the solutions.
Therapeutic Coaching: £150 per 2-hour session
Divine Healing
Allow the light of higher consciousness to clear blocks to your well-being, reawaken to your true self, and heal your life.
At times, working on an issue through the medium of counselling and/or coaching alone does not go deep enough.
Recurring challenges may manifest in your life as a result of negative energetic patterns that are deep-seated; patterns that may be largely subconscious or even unconscious. It is only by bringing in higher energetic frequencies that these can be dissolved.
Divine Healing is a form of energy healing that can identify, access, clear and release core negative patterns within you, quickly and easily.
Based on the spiritual law of ‘Ask and you shall receive’, it can help you clear whatever is blocking you from optimal well-being and from sharing your gifts and talents with the world.
Working on all levels – the body, mind, emotions and soul – the healing is able to address issues arising from both this and previous lifetimes.
It can help you to release:
fears and phobias
negative judgements and beliefs
unhealthy subconscious patterns and behaviours
blocked energy in the chakras
inherited ancestral programmes
unresolved past life issues
soul programmes
shock and trauma
the negative effects of life stresses …
… and much more.
By connecting with the highest part of your being to identify where the healing is needed, bringing your conscious awareness to the issue, and opening up to the energy that is moving through your physical body, you are assisted to let go.
This frees up your energy, you feel better physically and emotionally, and it becomes easier to advance on your path.
Divine Healing: £150 per 2-hour session
Book your initial, no-obligation consultation now.
Ring: 07969 807934
Email: info@harinderghatora.co.uk