How to Cope with Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Do you consider yourself to be a sensitive person? Someone who feels everything deeply. Someone who is naturally attuned to the feelings of others. Someone who needs a lot of time alone to unwind and recharge. As a child, perhaps you were described as ‘timid’, ‘shy’, ‘soft’ or ‘emotional’ by your teachers and caregivers. Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells and crowds can be difficult to tolerate. You startle easily. In chaotic, complex or tense situations you feel …

Sleep: Are you getting enough?
It may feel like losing sleep is not such a big deal but it really is. Depriving yourself of sleep has a wide range of negative effects that go way beyond just daytime drowsiness: fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation; moodiness and irritability; reduced creativity and problem-solving skills; inability to cope with stress; reduced immunity; frequent colds and infections; concentration and memory problems; weight gain …