Where Is Your Sanctuary?
We all need a calm, safe and quiet place where we can go to relax, unwind and recharge our batteries. A place where we can retreat from the world and just ‘be’. Our very own sanctuary that provides inspiration, renewal and refreshment. My home is very much my sanctuary, particularly my meditation and therapy rooms. Whenever I am away, even for a day, I look forward to coming home and spending time there. It’s the place where I feel completely at ease ...

Benefits of Meditation Practice
The wide and varied benefits to be enjoyed from the regular practice of meditation are awesome. I am always amazed at how something so simple can have such a profound and powerful balancing effective on a person’s mind, body and spirit. Here is a summary of the key benefits that regular daily practice can give us. Reduced stress. Meditation literally reduces stress by reversing the effects of …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Do a Chocolate Meditation
Buy some really good quality chocolate. Open the packet and inhale the aroma. Break off a piece and look at it. Pop it in your mouth. Hold it on your tongue and let it melt. Focus all your attention on the sensations in your mouth; the texture, the taste, the whole melting process. If your mind wanders gently bring it back to the present moment. When the chocolate has completely melted, swallow it very slowly …