The Healing Power of Writing
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

The Healing Power of Writing

When was the last time you had some kind of emotional meltdown? Perhaps you lost your cool with someone … or suffered a debilitating wave of anxiety … were plagued by intense, painful feelings of guilt … or felt overwhelmed by grief and sadness. We’ve all experienced moments when our emotions have got the better of us - moments that have left us feeling vulnerable, confused and lost. Do you know that there’s something you can do in those very moments to help yourself? Something that …

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7 Things You Should Never Do or Say to a Bereaved Person
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

7 Things You Should Never Do or Say to a Bereaved Person

I recently met up with a friend who had just lost someone very close to her. It was evident that she was devastated by this death. Her pain was palpable: in her eyes, her voice, and her body language. Not only was she dealing with the immense pain of losing someone she loved dearly, under very traumatic circumstances, but she also now had to contend with the gaping hole it had left in her life …

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