How to Let Go of a Grudge
Do you know that you can learn to be happy? And that ultimately happiness is a choice that you make? Sure, there are circumstances in life that can strip you of your contentment, joy and wellbeing, but most of the time the only person stopping you being happy right now is you. It’s amazing how many people spend a large proportion, if not all, of their lives waiting to be happy, as if it’s some elusive thing far off in the distant future that’s dependent on health, wealth, status and perfect relationships. But happiness doesn’t come from these things. It comes from within …

Is Failing to Speak Up at the Root of Your Ailments?
Do you experience any of the following physical symptoms: a frequent sore throat; tightness in your jaw or a tendency to grind your teeth; thyroid problems; frequent ear infections; persistent stiffness in your neck and/or shoulders; a stammer? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that one or a few of the following apply to you: you have a weak and quiet voice; you struggle to speak up and express yourself; you constantly fear and doubt the intentions of others …

Is Your Morning Routine Making or Breaking Your Day?
Let me take you back to this morning and ask how you began your day. Did you have a calm, quiet and orderly start? Or, was it rushed, manic and frenzied? How we choose to spend the first minutes and hours of the day has a significant effect on all those that follow. What we do - and how we feel - sets the tone for the entire day. That has certainly been my experience. On an ideal day, I get out of bed at …

7 Spiritual Laws for Getting What You Want Out of Life
I vividly remember the feeling of overwhelming confusion when, many years ago, I was asked what appeared to be a seemingly straightforward question: “What do YOU want?" I was stunned into silence. I had never thought about this before. The person I was talking to was highly amused: _“Is it any wonder you feel stuck? You don’t get anywhere in life if you don’t know where you are going …