Is Unresolved Sadness Keeping You Stuck
How comfortable are you dealing with feelings of sadness? Do you allow yourself to be present with them, or do you do everything in your power to run away from them and pretend they’re not there, busying yourself with distractions? In my experience, many people do the latter. There appears to be a collective discomfort around owning our sadness, facing it, and allowing it full expression. Perhaps more than any other emotion, it’s one that people tend to deny. This denial is often a form of self-protection …

7 Things You Should Never Do or Say to a Bereaved Person
I recently met up with a friend who had just lost someone very close to her. It was evident that she was devastated by this death. Her pain was palpable: in her eyes, her voice, and her body language. Not only was she dealing with the immense pain of losing someone she loved dearly, under very traumatic circumstances, but she also now had to contend with the gaping hole it had left in her life …