Habits of Happy People: They Live in the Present Moment
They don’t spend time reviewing, analysing or regretting the past. They don’t spend time worrying, stressing and being fearful about the future. They know that no-one has ever lived in a yesterday or a tomorrow. We all only ever experience life in the now. And, that is where they focus all their attention; fully and wholeheartedly experiencing life in the present moment …

Is Your Morning Routine Making or Breaking Your Day?
Let me take you back to this morning and ask how you began your day. Did you have a calm, quiet and orderly start? Or, was it rushed, manic and frenzied? How we choose to spend the first minutes and hours of the day has a significant effect on all those that follow. What we do - and how we feel - sets the tone for the entire day. That has certainly been my experience. On an ideal day, I get out of bed at …

Conquer Stress and Anxiety with this Deceptively Simple Breathing Exercise
Let me start by asking you a question. What is your breathing like right now? Are you breathing slowly and deeply, all the way down into your abdomen? Or, is your breath short and shallow? Now shift your awareness to how you are feeling. Are you happy, calm and relaxed? Or, are you feeling stressed, agitated and anxious? I’m sure you already know that there is a real and direct link between …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Breathe!
Decide which energy you would like to experience in this moment. Joy? Vitality? Peace? Love? Wellbeing? Give this energy a colour; any colour that feels right to you. Put your hand on your abdomen and close your eyes. Take a long, deep, slow in-breath so that your hand rises. Continue to breathe in and out slowly and deliberately, allowing your hand to rise and fall with each breath …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Do a Chocolate Meditation
Buy some really good quality chocolate. Open the packet and inhale the aroma. Break off a piece and look at it. Pop it in your mouth. Hold it on your tongue and let it melt. Focus all your attention on the sensations in your mouth; the texture, the taste, the whole melting process. If your mind wanders gently bring it back to the present moment. When the chocolate has completely melted, swallow it very slowly …