Reconnect with Your Inner Child and Heal Your Life
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you keep repeating behaviours that aren’t good for you? Or why certain people and situations trigger you emotionally, to the point where you’re not in control of yourself? Or why you have trouble sticking to decisions and achieving the things you want in life? These issues show up a lot in my therapy room and there’s usually one thing that lies at the root of the problem: an unhealed inner child. So, what is the inner child and how does it come to be an issue? The inner child is the part of us that represents the child we used to be; the part that carries the imprint of all our childhood experiences, the good and the bad. If your inner child is healthy and well-nurtured, then you will tend to approach life …

How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Get What You Want
Have you ever come close to achieving a personal goal or fulfilling a long-held desire, only to somehow mess things up at the last minute? Do you have goals or intentions but find that instead of moving towards them, they drift further away from you? Are you making excuses or keeping busy with distractions rather than pursuing the things you want? If this sounds familiar, you’re engaging in self-sabotage – a problem I come across a lot in my coaching work …