Feel-Good Factor Tip: Smile!

We are all drawn to people who smile.

Studies show that not only does smiling make you more attractive to others, it also tricks your body and mind into changing your mood for the better.

  • It relieves stress.

  • It boosts your immune system.

  • It lowers your blood pressure.

  • It releases ‘feel-good’ hormones.

  • And, it lifts your face to make you look younger and more successful.

It also helps you stay more positive.

Try this test: smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard. Smiling sends the rest of our being the message that ‘Life is Good!’ and this automatically keeps stress, worry and depression away.

A simple, free, easy way to feel good.

For more tips, click here to get the Feel Good Now e-book.


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