Is Unresolved Sadness Keeping You Stuck
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

Is Unresolved Sadness Keeping You Stuck

How comfortable are you dealing with feelings of sadness? Do you allow yourself to be present with them, or do you do everything in your power to run away from them and pretend they’re not there, busying yourself with distractions? In my experience, many people do the latter. There appears to be a collective discomfort around owning our sadness, facing it, and allowing it full expression. Perhaps more than any other emotion, it’s one that people tend to deny. This denial is often a form of self-protection …

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The Healing Power of Writing
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

The Healing Power of Writing

When was the last time you had some kind of emotional meltdown? Perhaps you lost your cool with someone … or suffered a debilitating wave of anxiety … were plagued by intense, painful feelings of guilt … or felt overwhelmed by grief and sadness. We’ve all experienced moments when our emotions have got the better of us - moments that have left us feeling vulnerable, confused and lost. Do you know that there’s something you can do in those very moments to help yourself? Something that …

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Is Failing to Speak Up at the Root of Your Ailments?
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

Is Failing to Speak Up at the Root of Your Ailments?

Do you experience any of the following physical symptoms: a frequent sore throat; tightness in your jaw or a tendency to grind your teeth; thyroid problems; frequent ear infections; persistent stiffness in your neck and/or shoulders; a stammer? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that one or a few of the following apply to you: you have a weak and quiet voice; you struggle to speak up and express yourself; you constantly fear and doubt the intentions of others …

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Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

Dealing with Difficult Emotions

We all experience times in life when our emotions get the better of us. A strong, emotional response to any situation can easily leave us feeling overwhelmed, out of control and even frightened. Intense feelings of anger, anxiety, despair, shame, guilt and even disappointment can appear instantly and unexpectedly, and negatively affect our attitude and behaviour in ways that can cause us, and those around us, distress …

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How to Release Suppressed Anger
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

How to Release Suppressed Anger

“Get mad, then get over it.” Colin Powell

If you suspect you may be holding onto anger from the past, try the following exercise. Step 1: Find 30 – 60 minutes of alone time when you will not be disturbed. Step 2: Get yourself some paper, a pen, and a pillow, cushion or, if you have one, a punch bag …

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Are You Ready to Explode with Anger?
Harinder Ghatora Harinder Ghatora

Are You Ready to Explode with Anger?

Were you brought up like me; with the warped belief that anger is somehow inherently ‘bad’? That if you want to be loved and accepted then there could be no place in your life for anger? I picked up this message loud and clear whilst I was growing up. Not only was I totally oblivious to the fact that: a) anger is a natural, healthy, intrinsically positive emotion, and b) that I could learn to process, manage …

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