How to Find Freedom from Fear and Live Your Purpose
It’s no secret that people who embody a sense of purpose live longer, happier and more fulfilled lives. Every day I meet people who long to realise this aspiration. People who feel a strong impulse to align their work in the world to who they really are, to live their lives authentically, and to be of service to others. Since you’re reading this, I’m guessing you feel this way too. Deep down, you yearn to follow your heart; to reach for the vision that emanates from the highest aspects of your being. Except that … one thing keeps stopping you in your tracks. FEAR …

Are You Struggling to Find Your Purpose in Life?
2020 was an extraordinary year. Not only did we witness a massive upheaval on the physical plane, affecting everything from our livelihoods to family life, we also saw a huge spiritual awakening occur right across the globe. For many it was a crisis or unforeseen change in circumstances, for others simply the gift of more time that compelled them to go inwards; to connect with the deeper parts of their being and reflect deeply on their lives. Why am I here? What fulfils me? What’s my purpose? These questions inevitably surfaced at some point. Perhaps you can relate to this too …

How to Cope with Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Do you consider yourself to be a sensitive person? Someone who feels everything deeply. Someone who is naturally attuned to the feelings of others. Someone who needs a lot of time alone to unwind and recharge. As a child, perhaps you were described as ‘timid’, ‘shy’, ‘soft’ or ‘emotional’ by your teachers and caregivers. Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells and crowds can be difficult to tolerate. You startle easily. In chaotic, complex or tense situations you feel …

How to Stay Sane during These Unpredictable Times
I hope you are keeping well, safe and, quite frankly, sane. We are living in unprecedented times, and there is a lot of fear, confusion and uncertainty in the air. If you’ve worked with me, you’ll know that I take a holistic approach to problem solving life’s challenges. Here are some practical mental, emotional and spiritual tips to help you stay calm, balanced and empowered through the current coronavirus crisis …

The Gentle Art of Saying ‘No’
Emotional overwhelm is something that brings many people to my practice. For them life has simply got out of control. There are too many people making too many demands … too much to do in too little time … too many expectations and not enough energy to deal with them all. The result is anxiety which, if left unchecked, leads to mental, emotional and physical breakdown. We all experience overwhelming feelings. I’m guessing you know what that’s like. I certainly do. In fact, I used to get overwhelmed a lot. Nowadays, though, it’s less the feeling of overwhelm that I deal with than the …

How to Recognise and Deal with Your Anxiety Type
I was rather taken aback recently when I saw that in October this year 22,573 searches were carried out on the Counselling Directory using the keyword ‘anxiety’? I don’t know why that surprised me. We all know that one in four of us will experience some sort of mental health problem each year, and anxiety is certainly the most prevalent issue that brings people to my counselling and coaching practice. If you’ve read some of my earlier blogs, you’ll know that generalised anxiety and panic disorder plagued …

How Our Parents Affect Our Adult Relationships
Would you say that your current relationships are generally warm, nurturing and harmonious? Do you believe that the world is a safe and secure place: a place in which you can lean on people, take emotional risks, and trust that people will be there for you in your time of need? Do you believe that people are generally on your side, and will support you in the way that you need them to, when you need them to? You may be surprised to hear that your parents have influenced your answers to these questions …

How to Resolve Inner Conflict and Find Peace
One of the key things I look out for in my work with clients is inner conflict. It is fascinating how much warfare goes on inside a person. It is also disturbing because this sort of tension, left unchecked, inevitably creates emotional turmoil and dis-ease. Can you relate to this scenario? You are lying in bed, warm and cozy when the alarm goes off. You want to stay exactly where you are but a voice in your head starts nagging you to get up. You resist it for a short while but it continues to get louder and louder …

The Day I Met a Goblin and Finally Healed My Fear
Have you ever experienced an intense emotion that has left you feeling frightened, confused and deeply disturbed? I certainly have. In fact, there was a time in my life when it was a regular occurrence. When I tell people now that I spent most of my late teens and twenties in a perpetual state of fear, due to chronic anxiety and panic disorder, I am often met with surprise; disbelief even …

Habits of Happy People: They Live in the Present Moment
They don’t spend time reviewing, analysing or regretting the past. They don’t spend time worrying, stressing and being fearful about the future. They know that no-one has ever lived in a yesterday or a tomorrow. We all only ever experience life in the now. And, that is where they focus all their attention; fully and wholeheartedly experiencing life in the present moment …

Habits of Happy People: They Don't Hold Grudges
They know that holding intense negative feelings about anyone harms them more than it harms the other person. Scientific studies show that holding a grudge adversely affects the health. It leads to anxiety, depression, an increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure. Letting go of grudges and bitterness makes way for happiness, health and peace …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Soak in a Warm Bath
Research reveals that relaxing in a warm bath of bubbles instantly calms the mind, soothes the body and promotes deep, restful sleep. Adding 2 cups of Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil further enhances the wellbeing benefits. Magnesium, found in Epsom salts, is naturally absorbed through the skin. This mineral aids the production of serotonin, the hormone responsible for …

Dealing with Difficult Emotions
We all experience times in life when our emotions get the better of us. A strong, emotional response to any situation can easily leave us feeling overwhelmed, out of control and even frightened. Intense feelings of anger, anxiety, despair, shame, guilt and even disappointment can appear instantly and unexpectedly, and negatively affect our attitude and behaviour in ways that can cause us, and those around us, distress …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Laugh!
Research shows that the simple act of laughing offers an amazing array of mental, physical, emotional and social benefits. Laughter lowers stress hormones, boosts immunity, decreases pain, relaxes muscles and lowers blood pressure. It eases anxiety and fear, improves mood, and adds joy and zest to life. It also strengthens relationships, defuses conflict and promotes …

Conquer Stress and Anxiety with this Deceptively Simple Breathing Exercise
Let me start by asking you a question. What is your breathing like right now? Are you breathing slowly and deeply, all the way down into your abdomen? Or, is your breath short and shallow? Now shift your awareness to how you are feeling. Are you happy, calm and relaxed? Or, are you feeling stressed, agitated and anxious? I’m sure you already know that there is a real and direct link between …

Feel-Good Factor Tip: Breathe!
Decide which energy you would like to experience in this moment. Joy? Vitality? Peace? Love? Wellbeing? Give this energy a colour; any colour that feels right to you. Put your hand on your abdomen and close your eyes. Take a long, deep, slow in-breath so that your hand rises. Continue to breathe in and out slowly and deliberately, allowing your hand to rise and fall with each breath …

How Your Diet Can Help You Manage Anxiety and Depression
Whilst it would be wrong to say that your diet alone can cause anxiety or depression, it can certainly make your situation better or worse. In the last few decades the relationship between diet, stress and anxiety has been well documented. Research shows that the following foods and substances are likely to contribute to your symptoms. Therefore avoiding them all together or consuming them …

Living in the Land of Should
Do you live in the ‘land of should’? Do you find yourself doing what you should be doing and not what you want to be doing all the time? Are you the one always doing the ‘right thing’ by everyone else? So much so that you have lost touch with your innate sense of fun, creativity and spontaneity? Or, maybe on the odd occasion you have tried to do what you like, only to find yourself riddled with feelings of guilt …

Benefits of Meditation Practice
The wide and varied benefits to be enjoyed from the regular practice of meditation are awesome. I am always amazed at how something so simple can have such a profound and powerful balancing effective on a person’s mind, body and spirit. Here is a summary of the key benefits that regular daily practice can give us. Reduced stress. Meditation literally reduces stress by reversing the effects of …

Does Worry Blight Your Life?
If there is one thing that can really cast a shadow over a person’s inner world it is worry. We all do it from time to time but for some people it becomes an incessant activity that has a direct and detrimental effect on their happiness and wellbeing. When I look back at my younger days I am stunned at how much time and energy I spent worrying. I worried about everything; exams, my health, ensuring there …